The History of Children’s Advocacy Centers

The Children’s Advocacy Center model of a Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT) approach, was developed through the vision of Former Alabama Congressman, Robert E. “Bud” Cramer, Junior. While serving as District Attorney, Cramer reached the conclusion that efforts to investigate and prosecute child abuse were often duplicated and inefficient. In a criminal justice system designed around adults, child victims were being re-victimized by the system, having to retell their abuse stories to multiple investigators. Criminal cases were weakened by the lack of coordination between agencies. Therefore, Cramer and a group of key individuals pulled together law enforcement, criminal justice, Family and Protective Services, and medical and mental health workers into one coordinated team. Congressman Cramer’s vision to create a child-friendly environment where children could receive all services needed to help heal from abuse led to the creation of more than 1,000 Children’s Advocacy Centers across the country, with more than 70 centers in Texas.

The History of Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County

Grand Opening of our first Center
Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County began as a project of the Junior League of Plano (now Junior League of Collin County). When the Center opened its doors in Plano, TX in 1992, we had the staff, space, and resources to serve only 10 percent of the children in our community victimized by abuse or neglect. At that time, the total population of Collin County was 292,321; with a child population of only 83,478. Thirty years later, the child population has grown exponentially to 261,282, a number just shy of the total population in 1992.
Grand Opening of our first Center
Sexual Assault Nurse Examination program was developed
The Collin County District Attorney’s Office created the Crimes Against Children Unit
Texas Governor, George Bush Signing Ashley's Laws
Ashley’s Laws were implemented | Forensic Interview Program was developed
Texas Governor, George Bush Signing Ashley's Laws
The Guardian Angel Society was established
Created the Community Resources Department | First Holly Jolly Holiday Project and Back to School Fair | The Collin County Sheriff’s Office launched the Rural Child Abuse Task Force
Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Los Rios Campus
As the population of Collin County exploded, so did the number of alleged victims. As a result, there was an increased demand for our services. To meet the demand, the Center moved from its humble location on 15th Street to a small house on Avenue K. The growth of Collin County continued, taking the Center to its current location on Los Rios Boulevard in 1999, where we had the capacity to offer services to 100 percent of children in need, free of charge, with no waiting list. | The Rainbow Room was established to help meet immediate needs of the children and families we serve.
Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Los Rios Campus
Expanded the clinical program to include music and art therapy | Began community education initiatives
Kids in Court Program was launched
The Kids Count Players made their debut
Launched the CACCC Training Institute
Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Wendy's Wing Expansion
To meet the continued growing need for our services, the Wendy’s Wing expansion was built onto the existing Los Rios campus in 2007. The generous lead gift for this project was given by Tom and Wendy Engibous.
Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Wendy's Wing Expansion
Forensic lab for Cyber Crimes Against Children was established at the Center
Implemented the Multi-Disciplinary Team Enhancement Program
The Kids Count Players
The Kids Count Players celebrate the education of 100,000 children in Collin County
The Kids Count Players
Launched the Capital Campaign to build a second facility | Facilitated the creation of the Collin County Child Sex Trafficking Protocol
Established the Family Advocate Parent Education Program for our clients
Launched the Child Engagement Program
Implemented the Problematic Sexual Behavior Program in the Clinical Department
The Speese Campus, McKinney, Texas
We opened our second, full-service facility. The project team for the new Center was comprised of KDC Real Estate Development and Investments, Alliance Architects, and Spring Valley Construction Company. The new facility, named The Speese Campus, is in honor of the generous lead gift and long-term support of the Center by Carolyn and Mark Speese. The new 40,000 square foot facility is located at 1701 Heritage Dr. McKinney, TX.
The Speese Campus, McKinney, Texas